“The Expert Consensus on Clinical Application Technical Specifications for Focused Ultrasound Ablation Surgery (2020 Edition)” was published.

“The Expert Consensus on Clinical Application Technical Specifications for Focused Ultrasound Ablation Surgery (2020 Edition)” was published in the 13th issue of Chinese National Medicine Journal 2020.


The consensus included solid benign and malignant tumors such as uterine fibroids, uterine adenomyosis, placenta increta, hepatocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, breast fibroadenoma, renal carcinoma, bone tumors into the scope of high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy, which marked the gradual maturity of high-intensity focused ultrasound technology after more than 20 years of clinical application.

The consensus also clarified the operational procedures, clinical indications, contraindications, efficacy evaluation, dose control, major complications and preventive measures, and discussed some controversial issues in the applications of focused ultrasound ablation surgery. The formulation of the consensus has played a guiding role in the development of focused ultrasound ablation surgery in China, and further enhanced the promotion and standardization of high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy.

Image credit: Chinese National Medicine Journal